Tuesday 12 June 2007

Sofa famines and gluts

Producer Him sent out an email last week asking if by any chance anyone had a two seater sofa and some chairs we could borrow for Demons. No replies. Nothing. Zilch. For days. Still nothing. So Him and I went out on Saturday. I needed fabric for costumes. Him wanted to look for plastic glasses and we needed a sofa.

Forgive me Setman for I have sinned - I went car booting with someone else!!!!

Him and I "did" the Denham car boot sale and then went to the local furniture and electrical charity shop in search of sofas that will a) fit on the stage and more importantly b) fit in the wings for the first act. Nothing.

BUT - I had casually asked a lady from a house clearance firm at the boot sale if they had any suitable sofas. Worryingly she instantly recognised me from having purchased a bureau from her 18 months ago for Treasure Island. Anyway. Him and I have had an invite to be shown around their warehouse on Wednesday evening.

If we find anything suitable then we have the option to buy or if we like we can RENT it from them!!!!! This is just fanmtastic as it means I don't then have to try to sell the offending items on EBay afterwards or incur the inevitable stream of freindly abuse from Director Witch regarding my EBay habits.

Mrs House Clearence has also offered to have a list from us for bothe sets stuff and props that we may need for any future shows. RESULT!!!

Subsequently Him rang his mother who has a sofa in her garage. (and doesn't want it back). Someone Him works with has told him that she has a sofa in her garage we can have. Oh yeah and two members of the cast have come up with possible solutions as well. Aaahhh!

Lyric of the Blog: "I was wandering along by the cars at the boot sale when seven lovely sofas came out of the van Ah ha ha. Bop shwaddy waddy bop bop swaddy waddy. And right behind these fine gorgeous sofas came seven other sofas that were tattered and torn Ah ha ha "
(With apologies to Mr ALW)

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