Friday, 29 June 2007

That Friday Feeling...

So, here I am - as promised, filing another report. I told you I'd be better, but you didn't believe it did you? Well, there you go

Some of the cast arrived early last night to do a read through to once again push those lines into our brains, even Vicky managed to arrive early and scoff some dinner whilst running lines so some were quite muffled... Obviously Guy was rehearsing for his "other" show so we were without him and Corrinne arrived later as she doesn't finish work until 8 and then has to get there...

Director Demon reminded us that there were just 5 rehearsals left (including last nights) and so wanted to run through, with Producer Him prompting and Director Demon stopping us on the way. I got to sit down with Producer Him for a bit at the beginning, lucky for him I did really as for some reason he can't follow a script (not a good quality for a prompt really!?!). - I'm just kidding PH - stay in your pencil case... And we also got a look from Director Demon so we must stop talking and laughing when Director Demon is talking, bad children. It did feel like being at school, especially when we had a grammar lesson halfway through the rehearsal as well.

Last night was a much improved run through from Monday night, words need to be much tighter but even now, there are some things that Director Demon wants to amend, all for the good of the production of course dahling...

Sunday during the day is set build day, with mainly set construction happening and leaflet delivering (let's hope we get a break in the weather), lunch club and a production meeting later on, which will take place at the same time as the Demons will be getting together for a wee (am) dram and more word rehearsing.

Things I have learned from last night:
1. Just one Hula Hoop can make you want a whole bag, but not enough to drive to the garage.
2. Dave leers.
3. Producer Him not only has every colour of pencil under the sun, but has lots of different coloured pens too.
4. I did learn a new word for the front of the stage but I can't remember it now.
5. Guns are a health and safety risk.
6. Everyone drinks Lime and Soda - except me and Producer Him who's a lager lout

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