Thursday 26 July 2007

And there it was - gone!!!

So, that's it. It's done, all over for another few weeks until preparations for panto begins.

It's funny because the week of the show is so completely chocker-block-full that the next week seems like a real dead one. From technical rehearsal, to dress, to oap night, the four performances including curries and after show parties and then a hungover set strike (for some) actors, directors and producers seem to have their hands overflowing. Then it all ends. Just like that. Stops.

I don't know about anyone else, but by the time Monday evening comes round I always feel like I'm not somewhere I should be. Plus the fact you get used to spending so much time with the rest of the cast, you miss them. I had thought that one of the other bloggers (yes, bloggers) might have blogged after the show ended it's run, but even Producer Her has been noticeable by her absence.

Anyway, what a show, what a great week of performances, the smell of the crowd and the roar of the greasepaint and all that. And what a reaction from the audience on the last night - it was really great, truly a wonderful experience with a fab cast - gosh, luvvy gushing coming up, brace yourselves! Some of the cast I hadn't been on stage with before and so that was a great new experience for me, I'd never been directed by Director Demon before and I must say I thought he was fantastic (all bias aside) and really brought his vision to life through us (well done monkey!). The witches moved people on a nightly basis, including their director and all in all everything about this run of shows strengthens my faith and belief in the amateur group that we all belong to.

So, in true Assistant Director Demon fashion, here are the things I have learned from this run of shows:

1. Emma and Guy are extremely good at keeping secrets - yet another CAST coupling...
2. Even if you use a handful of wipes to take off stage make up, it'll still mark white sheets
3. Guy has now raised the bar when it comes to catering after show parties, smoked salmon and crayfish tails - indeed!
4. Old people, as well as not driving well, do not know when to shut up!
5. Straw gets everywhere
6. Two bits of wood make good gunshot noises
7. People notice when you wear red nail polish - more than expected
8. Wasps are a pain and hated by everyone
9. Lord Muslington of Kent always makes an appearance when Director Demon has had one or two glasses of wine
10. Blood doesn't come out of sofas no matter how long you scrub it
11. Director Demon and Guy were separated at birth

And so readers, fare thee well and until we meet again...

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