Friday 6 July 2007

Ooo Shut That Door!

So last night we had to be down early for Director Demon and Director Witch to have the press photo taken. Neither Director wants the cast to be photographed (and no, it's not because we'd scare people off) it's so we don't give anything away about the plots and action of the plays. I had some fake blood left over from when I went to a Halloween party as a car crash victim (another story, but it was inspired - trust me) so that came with us to add some gore to the proceedings. HOW WAS I TO KNOW IT STAINS THE SKIN?!!!! Director Demon wasn't too happy when he discovered, that despite washing them twice, he still had clearly visible red streaks all over his hands. God know what Secretary thought when Director Witch got home!?! Luckily it's come off now... Mort took the pictures, he's very good at that sort of thing - apparently (I don't think we should ask too many questions).

Producer Her has been working very hard on the costumes for her show and last night proceeded to stick pins in Calm Woman under the ruse of making sure it fit, I think she just likes sticking pins in people myself... Vicky arrived with three doggies (including puppy) who were a little damp and proceeded to make a Maypole with their leads (very pretty) until Chairman decided it was time to go and Emma, Corinne and I took a doggie each out the the car. Everyone loves the doggies.

Dave, Corinne and Guy dressed the part tonight and Director Demon was pleased with their outfits, Vicky and Matt are going to bring theirs down on Monday and Director Demon and I are going out at the weekend to look for something for me, so costumes for our show are well in hand. As a note to the readers, Guy actually doesn't scrub up bad, I can't see why he doesn't have a girlie - any offers - especially as he brings chocolate to rehearsals, I mean, come on girls?

Two full run throughs last night - woo hoo! Not much prompting to be had either, even though I was concentrating very hard on the script and not watching the show itself! Everyone had their "stage discipline" head on (except Dave who did a "snotty laugh" backstage over an incident with set wobble).

Things of Note: There are still parts that make everyone jump, including some banging on a door which made me jump out of my skin (and I knew full well it was coming!). Dave took much smaller measures tonight and Emma fancied lager instead of red wine. Everyone has to remember to "put wood in t'hole"!

Things I have learned from last night:
1. Cheap fake blood which cost £2.99 stains your hands
2. Producer Him wants to be a Producer (!)
3. Corinne used to be a Pagan
4. I don't like lime and soda, regardless of how many other people in the cast drink it
5. To get liquid out of bottles, you must first remove the lid
6. Director Demon can break stuff at 50 paces...

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