Monday 9 July 2007

But The Cat Came Back...

Another Sunday, another set build...

Producer Her asked me if I could bring down my sewing machine as Neat woman would not be able to make it with hers, so I became a part of the sweat shop for the day. Apart from a problem with my machine in the beginning, which Director Demon fixed (and was very proud of himself) with the help of a rasp (not sure of the way to spell it but that was what it sounded like), everything went fairly swimmingly. By the end of the day I had sewn two collars, two sets of cuffs (matching of course) and one complete apron. I was a little disappointed actually as I had hoped to start the bonnets as well but everything else was just so flipping fiddly!

Secretary did some ironing without an ironing board but with the help of some green towels and then went off leaving Producer Her and me by ourselves. We did have a little extra help throughout the earlier part of the day, as we had the assistance of a rather cute Tabby who made himself at home with the sewing circle. Once he had made himself at home with us he became rather more difficult to evict - Producer Him ejected the kitty several times for him to just to go round the outside of the building and come back in! Clever kitty! Producer Him was NOT amused. However, I do believe the reason for him staying was the fact that every so often a member of the cast (Box Office, Dave and Corinne) would come in and spend a good 10-15 minutes fussing and cuddling and stroking the thing!!!

Lunch club was it's usual affair with us all eating outside under the gazebo (if you please). Towards the end of lunch we ended up in a game of "I went to the supermarket and I bought...". We started with a apple (not not an apple, a apple), went through Kwite (with a k) big plums, Perambulating Pekinese from Penge (which made me laugh today as I saw a bus heading towards Penge), to Quite Qute cumquats and I made my excuses after Director Demon started his U with umbilical cords...

Back to the sewing again, Producer Her and I had rather a pleasant afternoon shut away in Room 1 by ourselves. Other members of the cast and crew would pop in sporadically to say hello and loiter (I think out of sight of Producer Him who was in the mood to give people jobs!), Vicky came and took up Calm woman's dress, but mostly it was just us.

As myself and Director Demon will not be at set build next week, I offered to take the curtains and sew them for the set. I then (foolishly) offered to bring them down on Sunday if I got them finished, to which Producer Him asked "Do you think you could have them done by Thursday?" So have a guess what I'm going to be doing when I'm not at work or rehearsals...

By the end of the day the set had been painted, dresses had been taken up, collars and cuffs had been produced (and an apron) and everyone was exhausted!

Things I have learned from yesterday:
1. Spontaneous human combustion is scary
2. It's best to look at what you're doing when pinning things together to avoid attaching your finger
3. The majority of the cast like cats
4. Secretary doesn't iron
5. Producer Him doesn't fancy the idea of painted cat footprints all over the place
6. Director Witch has been fire-proofed, but not all over

Thing I learned on Thursday but forgot to mention:
1. Several of the cast do great monkey impressions

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