Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Broken promises

When you ask someone if something is definitely going to happen and they say yes, then you ask then whether there's any chance it might be postponed or cancelled or moved and they say no, you'd assume (perfectly reasonably I thought) that it's going ahead, no exceptions. Well, Monday morning an email arrives explaining that Cologne is postponed - TYPICAL!!!! The air was a little bit blue when I read it as you can imagine. For those of you who don't know I had to withdraw from the part of Vicky as I was told I would need to be in Cologne for work. The funny thing was that the email didn't come from the person who had stated categorically that it was going ahead - the coward... Add that to a two and a half hour wait at BMW to do a repair that should have taken an hour and that was my Monday morning - not a good start to the week me thinks. Anyway, enough of this, I'm boring myself now, on with the show...

We're starting our run throughs now and the "acting" side of things, so the demanding Director Demon was doing his slave-driving bit and working the cast really hard.
We took it from the top (as good luvvies do) and went through the first half of the script with me standing in for Vicky as she was doing her doggy thing (oo-er) and arrived later.
Producer Him sat and told everyone when they were in the wrong place at the wrong time from the blocking that we had worked on in the previous weeks with some adjustments from the cast when things felt wrong or Director Demon had changed something and forgotten to write it down... I actually got to watch the second run through and take notes, although it's early days yet and the cast are doing a very fine job. Inter-relationships are showing very nicely and word-learning is also going very well with lots of the cast going through their first few pages of script without looking at their books. Both Director Demon and myself are extremely pleased with the progress being made.

Things of note:
Guyman brought a large amount of sugar to keep everyone going, Vicky brought the best chocolate in the world - Lindt Lindor (it's like heaven for your gob), it is very difficult to write this blog without giving away the plot, we have another two week break in between rehearsals

Things I have learned from Monday's rehearsal
1. Producer Him is now paranoid about the size of his pencil case
2. One of the cast is getting married this year
3. Emma thinks she looks like a boy with her new hair cut
4. Producer Her is living in the loft (allegedly)
5. Two weeks till Boomer

Monday, 21 May 2007


It was all my fault - a lot of things are - but having sold Setman, his parents, sister and brother in law tickets to see the first two shows I was in with the group, back in 2000, Setman advised me that there was no way on this earth that he would EVER buy a ticket and set foot in CVH to watch panto. He hated them. The following sentence was to haunt him to this very day.

" If you need anyone to come and help build the set or do some painting for you, I'm free on Sundays. I'll give you a hand"...Two set builds later and he was signed up as Asst Stage Manager and was behind the scenes for eight of the nine panto performances. Seven years later he's built more sets and props than he would probably care to remember including working windmill, flashing steps, toilets with running water, ceilings on box sets etc and worked behind the scenes at almost every show.

He's also spent numerous weekends with me scouring car boot sales and charity shops for costumes and props. We'd meet up first thing on a Saturday or Sunday morning or both! and plan our route for the day around the venues. Sometimes coming home with absolutely nothing except sore feet, soaking wet or with sunburn having had junk overload. Or, we'd come home with the boot of the car stuffed full of useful junk which we'd bought for peanuts, only to see the relevant Director of the show either grin in sheer delight or bury their heads in their hands at our finds and how we would then adapt them for the stage.

I also had a running joke with him that he "really knew how to treat a girl well" and only ever took me to the very best (ha!) eating establishments. Usually the burger van or doughnut stall.

This week sees Setman, his Sister, brother in law and parents, 11 cars, the contents of 3 houses and 2 cats all moving - to Somerset - 3 hours away. Although he's only been a member of the group since 2000, we've actually known each other for 17 years and spent time together through MG Owners Club at events, club weekends away and group holidays both in the UK and abroad as well as Christmas's, New Year and 'family' birthdays.

Things will certainly not be the same and the fact that my "big brother" and best mate is now 3 hours away instead of 30 minutes will take a while to get used to.

Setman - your CAST family and friends wish you well in your new home.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

What a scream!

I went, I saw, I screamed.....

Arrived at the medieval banquet venue with plenty of time to spare having spent ages getting my hair into something that looked vaguely medieval with thin plaits running round the sides of my head over the remainder of my hair. The directions to the venue left a lot to be desired and I had visions of having to walk into a local petrol station to get directions in full costume but worked out eventually that I'd been sent in entirely the wrong direction from the first roundabout and from then on it was easy.

I loitered with intent (well, barn actually) until the given time. The venue was amazing, a completely wooden barn with banner hanging from the rafters. Approx 75% of the guests were in full medieval garb, the rest in black tie. Maidens, Queens, Kings, Knights, Monks etc were everywhere.

The minstrels were hard at work entertaining the audience, although one rather miserable "Robin Hood" did look very sternly at them and told them not to play next to him whilst he was eating. Huh?

The ogre loitered out of sight, in full costume with menacing rubber role play weapon! whilst I hot-footed it into the venue screaming like a banshee. EVERYONE FELL SILENT!!! Unfortunately due to the excessive volume of alcohol consumed by this stage by the punters they were more interested in the chase and arm wrestling than my lines which I'd learnt - typical, but it was all good fun.

The Fiddle was very complimentary and reckons I have an exceptionally powerful pair of lungs.

Equally fun was the exceptionally tiny gypsy caravan at the side of the barn which 8 minstrels and performers were trying to get changed in once the disco was in full swing with high volumes of raucous laughter ensuing as we tried to get out of costume in a very tight space. Highly amusing and anyone outside would have wondered what on earth was going on!

Lyric of the Blog: " The Boars head in hand bear we, bedecked with bays and rosemary. And I pray you my masters, be merry, assembled in this company " Trad

Enough of medieval frivolity - back to Witches and Demons !.........

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Dis Dressing Update

So here's the deal - I arrived at the rehearsal having fought my way down the M40 in the worst rainstorm I've EVER seen and having met the organiser, am introduced to a HUGE heap of costumes and given "mine". I think an adequate description at this point in time would be "medieval tent" although having seen some of the others in their clobber latter in the evening I think I'll fit in!

Girl will NOT be jealous. Not one bit. If only I was skinny enough to fit into the costumes she wore for Mort. A word to any potential wise Wardrobe Mistresses - Never put others into a costume that you would not be prepared to wear yourself :-)

Next to arrive was "The Ogre" (approx. 6' 7" at a guess) and we went through the lines we have. Yep. Not only do I have to run into a room of 150 people, screaming at the top of my voice. I have lines to learn as well. 24 lines and 48 hours to learn them in. Luckily they are in rhyme so now the whole of Langley on route to the railway station knows that I am "Elanor the Fair".

So now I know where (it's a medieval barn at Cox Green) when (be there at approx. 8:30) and what I've got to do (turn up in costume, find the ogre, who will be hiding so no one will see him in costume in advance of our "bit" and stay inconspicuous myself.

Then there's the singing. The minstrels are made up of instrumentalists from two folk groups who work both independently and together who will entertain the banqueters both before, during and after the meal. I have a solo bit in a song and an instrument to play as well.

Lyric of the Blog: " Bring us in more Ale, Boys. Bring us in more Ale"

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Damsel in Dis Dress

It all started with an email yesterday am from a great mate of mine who I've known for approx. 14 years through work and who's also in AmDram in Oxfordshire .....

"Know any blondes free this coming Fri night who fancy a bit of acting at a banquet? Maidenhead area. Wouldn't be needed until after 8 and not for very long?"

"All you, sorry - all that the blonde, has to do is wear a long frock, run into a room full of people screaming "Help - there's a big ugly ogre chasing me and you'll be saved by a member of the audience"

Now I'm used to performing on stage mainly, although I have done Murder Mysteries where you sit at the table and act whilst eating but nothing like this. However - as it's so close to home and I would only be needed for a couple of hours, I said yes.

Further investigations and a telephone call from the organiser yesterday afternoon revealed that this was indeed a medieval banquet for 150 people taking place near Maidenhead in a converted barn this coming Friday evening and it's a fundraiser for a local school.

However - Having mentioned that my only free night this week WAS tonight!!! I now find myself preparing to drive to Long Crendon, Nr Thame where the organisers live to try on medieval dresses (Girl will be dead jealous at this bit), meet the organisers and the Ogre and meet some guys who will be playing minstrals and are providing other entertainment during the evening. They want me to rehearse "a few lines" with the Ogre.

" Oh, by the way" says Alan, the organiser. "Do you sing at all?".........

I must be raving mad. I guess that playing a medieval damsel in distress makes a change from being an old witch praying for mercy and trying to escape the gallows!!!!!!!!

Watch this space ....

We're back!!!

So, back again after a two week break, it was nice to see everyone again although we were missing Lucia from the proceedings and Vicky until half 9. Producer Him had prepared the set on the stage for us to get straight underway and so we did. Tonights format was to go over the blocking for the middle section of the play for Emma and Corinne as they were not around for the last rehearsal and then block the final third of the play. Director Demon was very happy with the cast remembering their places from the last lot of blocking, he was heard to remark "the system works" on more than one occassion.

A good blocking session again last night making sure, apart from Lucia, that everyone knows where they are to be at any given time. Now, the Director Demon method for the blocking involves drawing out the stage and plotting where each character is at the start of each page and where they move to on that particular page alongside writing the movements against the script. Sometimes, when lots of characters have lots of movements it can get a bit messy, some of the drawings Director Demon and I put together on Sunday looked a bit like spaghetti on the page, but we seem to make sense of it all last night.

Apart from an incident with a fallen table and some smashed glass - all went off without a hitch, next week we'll start with the acting, hopefully with a full cast so I won't have to be a stand in.

Things of note: Guyman didn't have sweets, Corinne has the thinnest pencil in the world - ever, Matt didn't have a packed lunch box, Emma cares, Dave drinks and Vicky and all the girls had a good scream.

Things I have learned from last night's rehearsal:
1. Producer Her has a cool lighty-up pen which is quite mesmerising
2. Producer Him has a very full pencil case - at his age...
3. The cast find words like "business" and "motions" very funny indeed and always relate these words to toilet humour
4. With the lights out, the hall is REALLY dark
5. Producer Him is quite scary when he's chasing you with a mop

6. 3 weeks till puppy

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Old Dog, New Tricks

It's a "Demon" free week this week, due to the Bank Holiday but the "Witches" coven will be meeting this Thursday amidst the chaos and excitement which is Movies!

The weekend saw the Movies! production team meet on Sunday for the second set build day to erect the stage extension, paint the stage fronts and hang lights. Then last night the kids arrived at 6pm to do a technical run-through of the show. If anything is going to let them down now it will be their "stagecraft". They just can't keep quiet in the wings! The songs and show itself looks fantastic.

I learnt how to use the Follow spot last night. Something I've never done before and I thoroughly enjoyed it, albeit that it was very very hot stood next to it.

Lyric of the Blog: " I will follow you will you follow me?" Genesis

Friday, 4 May 2007

Good Afternoon dear, dear readers,

As I type this I am overlooking my garden, birds are singing and sunlight is streaming in through the window. There is a sweet smell in the air and for once it's not the Mars factory. It makes me think of my childhood and those barmy summer days.........................Okay, okay I'll stop before I start sounding like "Cider with Rosie" or someone from "Swallows and Amazons".

Anyway, last night was rehearsal for After Midnight Before Dawn, which could not start until 9pm as room 2 at the hall had been taken over as a polling station for the local elections.

We had no Girl or Calm Woman for the evening so after a discussion about accents, to have or to have not. Director witch made the remaining cast go through the part of the play where they summon the devil. I have to say that even though it is only a play I do get a little concerned at this point in the proceedings that the devil may actually turn up!! So far, I'm glad to say he has not, but I will keep you updated just in case he makes a special appearance one that brimstone I can smell?

After the summoning, Director Witch blocked pages 1 to 3. These meant a great deal of kneeling and caused Boy concern regarding the amount of time he would have to spend on the floor due to his knees. Man seemed to be the only member of the cast to get a chair, maybe he slipped Director Witch a fiver to ensure that he could sit in comfort? We may never know?

After running through the blocking 5 or 6 times everyone was released for the evening and we all departed to the bar to discuss, houses, life coaches and coat hooks that came from Las Vegas.

Things I have learnt from the rehearsals so far:

Director Witch and Director Demon have very different styles of directing and it will be interesting to see how these styles pan out over the coming weeks.

Director Witch wants straw. I understand why, but straw, it'll get everywhere.

Producer will be playing Old Woman and I will support her in every way I can to ensure that this duel role within the production is as easy as possible.........even if I have to cook (god help us all!!).

Got to go now,

Producer Him.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Go the Distance

Lyric of the Blog - Hercules

I have often dreamed, of a far off place
Where a hero’s welcome, would be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying, this is where I’m meant to be

I’ll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way, if I can be strong
I know ev’ry mile, will be worth my while
When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong

Down an unknown road, to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years, would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime, but somehow I’ll see it through

And I won’t look back, I can go the distance
And I’ll stay on track, no, I won’t accept defeat
It’s an uphill slope, but I won’t lose hope
Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete

But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero’s strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its’ harms

I don’t care how far, I can go the distance
Till I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms
I will search the world, I will face it’s harms
Till I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Show

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back--

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary
truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that
the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All
sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.

A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor
all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."

Goethe there anyone there?

Um, Hello?
Hello, is there anyone there?
Oh, there you are. Well, after weeks of me intending to post a blog here I am writing my first installment.
Now first things first, I know and everyone that knows me well knows that I cannot spell. So please do not e/mail me and tell me how I have spelt this wrong or the grammar was nor correct in this part as I will not take any notice of you and carry on in the same way I have for the last forty, oh um I mean thirty odd years.
Well, on with what we're hear to talk about the show. I have never produced anything in my life. I have directed, acted, painted and sewn, but never produced.
Like everything thing I do on the production side, I believe that it all starts with the money. As you may or may not know there are two rules to producing according to Mel Brooks:

Rule 1:
Never put your own money in the show.

Rule 2:

Due to these rules Producer Her and I have defined the budget for the two shows down to the last penny. This not only gives us a ceiling for productions costs, but also makes it very clear what the limitations are from the beginning.

So currently I am spending the rehearsals pulling together the book for both of the shows. The book (for anyone who does not know) is a copy of the script with all the blocking, lighting and sound effect queues in. This is kept up to date throughout the rehearsal period and then handed over to lighting and sound so they can make the arrangements for show week. This is normally kept up to date by the stage manager so that the directors can concentrate on directing. This is why for most rehearsals you will find me in the corner of room one with the script, a pencil and writing cramp.

Anyway I have to go now as I have to go to the l.........................somewhere I would rather not say. Anyway way it's been a pleasure and I will try and not leave it so long before I appear again.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007


In a show with a cast of only seven, it's difficult when you're without two of them, however this obviously happens and sometimes can't be avoided, so Lucia had very kindly offered to stand in for one and I was to stand in for another. Now, Vicky aka Mrs Chairman aka Director Her (Mort) (I think I shall now refer to her as just Vicky) has previous commitments that means she can't make it down until later so initially I was standing in for both Emma and Corinne and Lucia stood in for Vicky whilst Director Demon went through the blocking that we had put together the previous evening. Luckily, we were in the smaller room to start so it wasn't so far to jump to be two people!
Anyway, once the Movies! lot was out of the hall we moved through, Vicky arrived and we got everyone on stage to run through the first two thirds of the show's blocking. As this was Vicky's first rehearsal, having stepped in to the part, she had to write down all her blocking from the start, having run around for a couple of hours trying to get dogs to sit and stay and behave like nice dogs like hers - poor thing, all she wanted to do was sit down!

The blocking went really well with some suggestions for natural movements from the cast who are really getting to grips with their characters and the inter-relationships even so early on which is great.

Things I have learned from last nights rehearsal:
1. Producer Him has trouble spelling simple words like "turn".
2. Director Demon works his cast very hard.
3. No matter how many fruit flies you kill there are 100 more where that one came from.
4. Derek Ackorah and Gary Oldman are good role models.
5. GuyMan can eat a bag of Maynards Sours quicker than anyone I know.

Introducing ....

Asst. Director Demon !

Asst Director Demon is going to blog on Director Demon's behalf to specifically write about Demon rehearsals... so I'll leave last night's update in her hands as I didn't see much of the rehearsals. What I do need to tell you is that the part of Vicky has been recast and will be played by Mrs Chairman. Welcome aboard Mrs C!

Movies! continues to take up much of my time with the show looming next week. The 7 youngsters who sang their hearts out on Sunday sang to the rest of the group on stage, having unveiled the set to everyone. They sang brilliantly. Meanwhile Wardrobe Assistant and Mummy Mermaid continued sewing Oliver costumes whilst I did "useless". It hasn't been the best two days on record.

Lyric of the Blog: " Cos I don't think I'm brave enough, to admit I'm breaking up. And when the pain just tears you up, the only thing you need is love. So just get yourself back on it, another day is gonna come. Keep on praying for it. Aaah. It's all just people talking. Does it really matter what they say? Whatever gets you through the day That's your way. Cos I don't care who's right, sometimes I wish they'd all just go away. Whatever gets you through the day. That's your way" Lighthouse Family