Tuesday 15 May 2007

We're back!!!

So, back again after a two week break, it was nice to see everyone again although we were missing Lucia from the proceedings and Vicky until half 9. Producer Him had prepared the set on the stage for us to get straight underway and so we did. Tonights format was to go over the blocking for the middle section of the play for Emma and Corinne as they were not around for the last rehearsal and then block the final third of the play. Director Demon was very happy with the cast remembering their places from the last lot of blocking, he was heard to remark "the system works" on more than one occassion.

A good blocking session again last night making sure, apart from Lucia, that everyone knows where they are to be at any given time. Now, the Director Demon method for the blocking involves drawing out the stage and plotting where each character is at the start of each page and where they move to on that particular page alongside writing the movements against the script. Sometimes, when lots of characters have lots of movements it can get a bit messy, some of the drawings Director Demon and I put together on Sunday looked a bit like spaghetti on the page, but we seem to make sense of it all last night.

Apart from an incident with a fallen table and some smashed glass - all went off without a hitch, next week we'll start with the acting, hopefully with a full cast so I won't have to be a stand in.

Things of note: Guyman didn't have sweets, Corinne has the thinnest pencil in the world - ever, Matt didn't have a packed lunch box, Emma cares, Dave drinks and Vicky and all the girls had a good scream.

Things I have learned from last night's rehearsal:
1. Producer Her has a cool lighty-up pen which is quite mesmerising
2. Producer Him has a very full pencil case - at his age...
3. The cast find words like "business" and "motions" very funny indeed and always relate these words to toilet humour
4. With the lights out, the hall is REALLY dark
5. Producer Him is quite scary when he's chasing you with a mop

6. 3 weeks till puppy

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