Monday 21 May 2007


It was all my fault - a lot of things are - but having sold Setman, his parents, sister and brother in law tickets to see the first two shows I was in with the group, back in 2000, Setman advised me that there was no way on this earth that he would EVER buy a ticket and set foot in CVH to watch panto. He hated them. The following sentence was to haunt him to this very day.

" If you need anyone to come and help build the set or do some painting for you, I'm free on Sundays. I'll give you a hand"...Two set builds later and he was signed up as Asst Stage Manager and was behind the scenes for eight of the nine panto performances. Seven years later he's built more sets and props than he would probably care to remember including working windmill, flashing steps, toilets with running water, ceilings on box sets etc and worked behind the scenes at almost every show.

He's also spent numerous weekends with me scouring car boot sales and charity shops for costumes and props. We'd meet up first thing on a Saturday or Sunday morning or both! and plan our route for the day around the venues. Sometimes coming home with absolutely nothing except sore feet, soaking wet or with sunburn having had junk overload. Or, we'd come home with the boot of the car stuffed full of useful junk which we'd bought for peanuts, only to see the relevant Director of the show either grin in sheer delight or bury their heads in their hands at our finds and how we would then adapt them for the stage.

I also had a running joke with him that he "really knew how to treat a girl well" and only ever took me to the very best (ha!) eating establishments. Usually the burger van or doughnut stall.

This week sees Setman, his Sister, brother in law and parents, 11 cars, the contents of 3 houses and 2 cats all moving - to Somerset - 3 hours away. Although he's only been a member of the group since 2000, we've actually known each other for 17 years and spent time together through MG Owners Club at events, club weekends away and group holidays both in the UK and abroad as well as Christmas's, New Year and 'family' birthdays.

Things will certainly not be the same and the fact that my "big brother" and best mate is now 3 hours away instead of 30 minutes will take a while to get used to.

Setman - your CAST family and friends wish you well in your new home.

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