Wednesday 23 May 2007

Broken promises

When you ask someone if something is definitely going to happen and they say yes, then you ask then whether there's any chance it might be postponed or cancelled or moved and they say no, you'd assume (perfectly reasonably I thought) that it's going ahead, no exceptions. Well, Monday morning an email arrives explaining that Cologne is postponed - TYPICAL!!!! The air was a little bit blue when I read it as you can imagine. For those of you who don't know I had to withdraw from the part of Vicky as I was told I would need to be in Cologne for work. The funny thing was that the email didn't come from the person who had stated categorically that it was going ahead - the coward... Add that to a two and a half hour wait at BMW to do a repair that should have taken an hour and that was my Monday morning - not a good start to the week me thinks. Anyway, enough of this, I'm boring myself now, on with the show...

We're starting our run throughs now and the "acting" side of things, so the demanding Director Demon was doing his slave-driving bit and working the cast really hard.
We took it from the top (as good luvvies do) and went through the first half of the script with me standing in for Vicky as she was doing her doggy thing (oo-er) and arrived later.
Producer Him sat and told everyone when they were in the wrong place at the wrong time from the blocking that we had worked on in the previous weeks with some adjustments from the cast when things felt wrong or Director Demon had changed something and forgotten to write it down... I actually got to watch the second run through and take notes, although it's early days yet and the cast are doing a very fine job. Inter-relationships are showing very nicely and word-learning is also going very well with lots of the cast going through their first few pages of script without looking at their books. Both Director Demon and myself are extremely pleased with the progress being made.

Things of note:
Guyman brought a large amount of sugar to keep everyone going, Vicky brought the best chocolate in the world - Lindt Lindor (it's like heaven for your gob), it is very difficult to write this blog without giving away the plot, we have another two week break in between rehearsals

Things I have learned from Monday's rehearsal
1. Producer Him is now paranoid about the size of his pencil case
2. One of the cast is getting married this year
3. Emma thinks she looks like a boy with her new hair cut
4. Producer Her is living in the loft (allegedly)
5. Two weeks till Boomer

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