Wednesday 2 May 2007 there anyone there?

Um, Hello?
Hello, is there anyone there?
Oh, there you are. Well, after weeks of me intending to post a blog here I am writing my first installment.
Now first things first, I know and everyone that knows me well knows that I cannot spell. So please do not e/mail me and tell me how I have spelt this wrong or the grammar was nor correct in this part as I will not take any notice of you and carry on in the same way I have for the last forty, oh um I mean thirty odd years.
Well, on with what we're hear to talk about the show. I have never produced anything in my life. I have directed, acted, painted and sewn, but never produced.
Like everything thing I do on the production side, I believe that it all starts with the money. As you may or may not know there are two rules to producing according to Mel Brooks:

Rule 1:
Never put your own money in the show.

Rule 2:

Due to these rules Producer Her and I have defined the budget for the two shows down to the last penny. This not only gives us a ceiling for productions costs, but also makes it very clear what the limitations are from the beginning.

So currently I am spending the rehearsals pulling together the book for both of the shows. The book (for anyone who does not know) is a copy of the script with all the blocking, lighting and sound effect queues in. This is kept up to date throughout the rehearsal period and then handed over to lighting and sound so they can make the arrangements for show week. This is normally kept up to date by the stage manager so that the directors can concentrate on directing. This is why for most rehearsals you will find me in the corner of room one with the script, a pencil and writing cramp.

Anyway I have to go now as I have to go to the l.........................somewhere I would rather not say. Anyway way it's been a pleasure and I will try and not leave it so long before I appear again.

1 comment:

Producer said...

Rule 1: Oops

Rule 2: Oh dear .....

"I have directed (yep), acted (yep), painted (yep) and sewn (err?)"

Sewn... SEWN?!

I'm intrigued!!!!! Tell me more...