Friday 20 April 2007

AMBD Rehearsal - Thurs 19th April

Director Witch and I had discussed various options and his thoughts on how he wanted to run this rehearsal. When I got to the hall I raided the loft for night lights and a bin bag so that we could reduce the light levels in Room 1 to simulate a prison cell.

Having closed every door, barred the window and shut out all the light it certainly created the right cold chilling atmosphere - but no one could could see to read their script so we ended up with a light on anyway.!!! Apparently I didn't do much to aid the ambiance by eating raw carrot either. Hey Ho.

We read the script through 3 times with Director Witch listening. Once with different people playing each others parts. Once with everyone playing their own parts and a third time in our own parts with an American accent. This prompted a wide range of accents from across north america during the course of the read-though and great hilarity. Neat Woman was almost crying at one point. When I say 'our parts' I should clarify here that I'm understudying for Old Woman until we manage to cast someone in the role.

Both Boy and Girl both commented on how much they felt the 'darkness' of the play on the second read-through. Director Witch will no doubt add his own comments on he feels the evening went. I was amazed at this early stage how much thought had gone into each character and how they had got into the situation they were in (tried for witchcraft, imprisoned and awaiting hanging).

Lyric of the Blog: " cause its witchcraft, wicked witchcraft And although, I know, its strictly taboo" Frank Sinatra

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