Thursday 12 April 2007

Table Tennis

I've been playing email table tennis all day so far, or so it seems...

Admittedly 95% of it has been work related (The end of a tax year and start of a new one brings numerous support issues relating to high trading volumes, hence high trade settlement volumes, statement runs etc). The other 5% was both show and quiz night orientated and if I tell you that there's 36 emails in the trash folder relating to CAST from today already, you'll appreciate how manoc it's been. Ok, I know, I wrote some of them too, but hey, in this game if you don't resolve (and reply to) each email, in order, as it arrives - you don't stand a chance of keeping on top of everything. I'll be glad to get home tonight to get to CVH for CAST Academy for a rest!!!!!!!!!

Director Witch has confirmed that the scripts have arrived in the posts today. A thin mouse as they were only ordered on Tuesday and we wouldn't have got far doing a read-through tonight without them.

I think it's fair to say that the first week when a show is auditioned, cast and starts rehearsing is probably the busiest there is, second only to the week before a show goes on. Not the week OF the show, it's too late by then, but the last week that everyone is at work prior to show week is usually bedlam and when everything gets remembered that had previously been forgotten.

Tonight we read-through both plays .... and audition the show. The script may be different, some of the faces may be different but as the Earwig said as he jumped off the highest tree branch..... "Earwig-O"

Lyric of the Blog: " and I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time. Here I go again" Whitesnake

ok, ok. I know. I'm definitely NOT on my own but I've had the song going round in my head all day :-)

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