Tuesday 24 April 2007


We had our annual quiz night on Sunday evening which meant that Secretary and I spent our day buying and 'doing' food. After a trip to Costco at Reading we had a brief cuppa in the garden with the robin and blue tits who are nesting before heading off to PC World for printer cartridges for Director Witch so that he could print the rest of the answer sheets. Then back to Tesco to collect ourselves some lunch which we finally ate at 4pm (we were starving!) and a trip to the garden centre to buy Secretary some pots for her tomato plants.

Secretary was taken royal on Sunday. Not sure if she was understudying Queenie or Helene Mirren but she suddenly realised that she hadn't got her purse with her so her loyal subject paid. The loyal subject did let her carry the bags though!!!!!

Secretary is actually on Jury Service at the moment. Another trial!!!

We were doing a Ploughman's Supper. A good excuse for a dry run to see what it would look like for the food for the summer show audience. Secretary and I arrived at the hall along with Calm Woman, Treasurer and Matt to set tables and prep food.

Certainly didn't get any complaints about it so other than the fact that the paper plates were far too floppy and the pickled onions too big, maybe, it was deemed a success. If we sell out the summer show that's 384 audience plus cast and crew to cater for!!!!!

GuyMan is also on trial this week. He appeared at rehearsals last night with some sort of mobile ECG machine type thing wired to him with various sticky patches and insisted on showing us all his chest to prove it. (Wolf Whistle!) Can't remember exactly what it was for but I suspect it might be Asthma related as he's a fellow sufferer (and fellow chocoholic too!). At last check the machine seemed to think he was still alive.

Movies! Wardrobe Assistant confided last night that GuyMan saw rather too much of Producer Her's legs recently and reckons she's got a decent pair of pins on her. I'll leave it to your imagination as to the shade of red that Producer Her was at this point but she was very flattered. (Poor Guy. Am sure he must be able to think of something better to look at than Producer Her's legs!!!)

Lyric of the Blog: " The crown will plainly show, the prisoner who now stands before you was caught red handed showing feelings. Showing feelings of an almost human nature. This will not do." Pink Floyd

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