Friday 13 April 2007

Calm after the Storm

After the whirlwind that was yesterday - today was, well, very quiet! Only one reply to an email from Director Witch. Nothing else.

I was feeling somewhat jaded today having barely had 4 hours sleep last night. I dropped Director Witch home at approx. 12:30am, joked with him that I should have let someone else do the honours as now he would beat me to the computer and to blog about the experiences of the read-through and Auditions. I got home, decided that I really should just go to bed after all and of course then lay there, wide awake, mulling over the evening. I was wide awake again at 5am.

Twelve hours later, at just gone 5pm this evening, the email went out to everyone to announce the cast apart from a couple of parts which are still TBA. All I have to do now, when I've finished this entry, is update the main CAST website.

Everyone who auditioned last night was amazing, considering that no one had read the play previously, seen any audition pieces or even known what the character profiles were.

Lyric of the Blog: "It's. oh. so quiet. It's oh. so still. You're all alone and so peaceful until... the sky caves in, the devil cuts loose, you blow your fuse, when you've fallen in love" Bjork

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