Friday 6 April 2007


SHHHHHHH!!!!!! Don't tell anyone but I've started another blog and this time I can rightfully post as "Producer", well actually Producer Her to be more precise !!!!!!!

Not being able to secure the services of an MD, the group has had to put it's plans on hold to do our original choice of summer show which was Return to the Forbidden Planet, so tonight the group held an EGM or Extraordinary General Meeting to vote in a new show for the summer slot. When it came down to it, only one person actually put forward a suggestion for a show..... so it's in!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rang that person after the meeting to ask if I could borrow the scripts to get a synopsis of each play and character assassinations, sorry, descriptions on the group website asap for the read-through and audition night but there was no answer. I got a voicemail message from that person a little later which said " I assume you were ringing me to ask me what to call the blog. I think All About Devils would be appropriate, don't you ?, ring me back, bye!"

No, said I. It was just to get some info for the website. I'll do the blog at some point over the weekend but not yet.

I lied. I'm wide awake ....... and so another "All About" tale is about to unfold before you.

This time it's All About Devils!

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