Monday 16 April 2007

It's my birthday

But then if you've read my profile you will know that already. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday director witch, happy birthday to me.
Good news from the weekend. We have a great person now taking on the role of Girl, after audition by director witch and producer her on Saturday morning. The three of us plus secretary read through the script and really scared ourselves. It felt quite cold inside the house and I'm glad it was a bright sunny day outside. Girl said she felt she needed to walk into the sunlight afterwards. It really is a first rate script.
We also have someone great who is thinking about the role of Old Woman. I really, really hope she says yes. She has both the experience and acting skill that this show needs
Today has been barmy. I have had 31 emails come in related to CAST matters and have had to send out 20 myself. It's just like producer her says - it feels like you are playing email ping-pong at times. Only about a third of them were about this show, but it still keeps me very busy on my busiest day at work.

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