Monday 23 April 2007

Demon Rehearsal - Mon 23rd April

I was involved in the rehearsals for Movies! so wasn't around when rehearsals first started although Corinne did hand me a cheque for subs when I went into the room before read-though briefly. Producer Him started the rehearsal whilst waiting for Director Demon to arrive.

Unfortunately the part of Vicky will have to be recast for The Demon as the person playing her now has to be in Cologne for work on two of the show performance dates. She's gutted. So are we but she's going to help Director Demon instead so she'll still be involved.

After Movies! and Demon rehearsals were over Producer Him and I finally got chance to sit down for 5 mins to discuss the remaining items on the show budget. We also rang Director Witch, expecting him to be at home (it was 11pm) only to find him still in transit on his way home from work. 5 mins turned into an hour, as it does but we do at least have everything in place now, money wise.

Lyric of the Blog: " Money makes the world go around" Cabaret

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