Thursday 26 April 2007


Someone asked a while back why Director Demon calls me "Cuz". Well. As I mentioned in an earlier entry on this blog, we're related. Sort of.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin..... My uncle (My Mum's sister's husband) was brought up by his aunt and uncle rather than by his parents (I think I'm right in saying that they died when he was very young). Anyway. He was brought up by them and lived with his cousin who became more like a brother. That "brother" is Director Demon's uncle. Still with me? - thought not!

As a child, at family gatherings for that side of my family, Director Demon's Great Aunt & Uncle, Uncle and family would be there and Uncle M, Director Demon's uncle, would tease me relentlessly. My parents also went on several holidays to the USA and Australia with my Aunt and Director Demon's Aunt (sister of Director Demon's Uncle M!) after my uncle had died and have stayed with Director Demon's Aunt where she now lives in the West Country.

So the "relationship" is through two cousins who were brought up as brothers. My Mum and Aunt made the connection when they came to see the second show I was performing in with the group in 2000. Director Demon was in it was well in the JCS segue which he also directed, I think.

It may be a tenuous link but as far as I'm concerned, he's just my big Cousin!!

I'm not sure where Director Demon's love of the stage comes from though. Mine was almost certainly inherited. From a Grandfather who was a professional opera singer in Liverpool and sang with a stage name and his wife, my grandmother, who was a pianist and accompanied him. Mum has all the photos and documents in a box at home and Mum herself sang in a choral society for a number of years.

Lyric of the Blog: " Looking back it's so bizarre, it runs in the family, all the things we are" Level 42

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