Thursday 12 April 2007

Stopping for breath

Well did I stop for breath? Only you can say. This is the submission I sent to producer her in the early hours of yesterday morning following our meeting...
There is something very comforting about having producer her and producer him running a show for you. The spread sheets, the attention to financial detail, the experience, and, on director him’s part, the in-depth knowledge of Eurovision which can come in very handy in times of crisis. They have been in shows taking the focal role. They have produced and directed, and they will restrain my belief that the glass is always full.
There is also something a little bit scary. That budget thing. They will control everything. It’s great, but like I said, it’s a bit scary. Their two directors though can rest soundly in their beds knowing that it will all be done. Everything. To the last detail. Every crisis. Every eventuality. All of them will be allowed for. And neither of them will be in the show.
That means there will be four people on show nights who can cope. Not something we have had the luxury of in a long long time. Not since Stags & Hens in fact. But then director him for that show, yours truly, who was having to be producer too in many respects, ended up calling on their skills at the last minute to make sure everything was perfect. Like I say, it’s very comforting.
Tonight the four of us had a meeting. Well director witch and director demon had a grilling before the Spanish Inquisition under the guise of a nice little chat in the pub. It was alarmingly productive. We have a budget which predicts that the show will make a loss. That’s the way I like it. A challenge. The idea that we need to get some money in before we even start.
The cast will have to pay their subs by a certain date or get the boot. The reverse is that they get a discount if they pay up early. Carrot and stick. The box office will be used as a pro-active source of information. Two shows prior to this one will be used as points for publicity to get ticket sales. Publicity will be targeted. Producer him will act as Assistant Stage Manager, to use the professional term. He will keep the book of the show to use the amateur parlance.
Yes, it’s all very comforting. The directors can direct, happy in the knowledge that the producers will produce the goods. I will rest easy tonight.

Wise words: 'In general the worst thing you can do for anybody is to give them money, because in the first place it's easy-come, and in the second placeinstead of being grateful they think it mean of you not to give them more than you did.' Green Oranges. Lynn C Doyle

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